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Generate AI Content with ChatGPT OpenAI When Import with CSV Importer

Ultimate CSV Importer plugin for WordPress supports ChatGPT to automatically generate content and images for your Posts, Pages, and Custom Posts when you import. This will be helpful in cases like if you want to import WooCommerce Products with Product descriptions and Posts with featured images. You just need to configure the ChatGPT option shown beside the post_content, post_excerpt, and featured_image fields while mapping in our plugin. This feature will automatically generate descriptions and images for the imported WooCommerce Products and your Posts.

Note to consider: Only In the CSV with empty post_content, post_excerpt, and featured_image fields, you can generate descriptions and images with the ChatGPT ai.

openai sample csv

Let’s explore more about this feature here. To get started, you must initially configure your OpenAI API key in our CSV Importer Plugin to enable this automatic content generation feature. 

Configure ChatGPT with an API Key #

1. Navigate to the Ultimate CSV Importer plugin within your WordPress Dashboard.

2. Go to Settings, then click on OpenAI Settings.


3. Enter your ChatGPT API key. 


4. If you don’t have the API key, refer to the below steps to get an OpenAI API key:

openai api keys page view
  • Verify your Email: After signing up, you’ll receive an email from OpenAI to confirm your account. Verify your email address to proceed next.
  • Access your API Keys: Once verified, log in to your OpenAI account. In the left sidebar, select “API keys” menu.
  • Generate a New Key: If you don’t have an existing key, click the button “Create new secret key.” You can optionally name your key for better organization.
create new secret key in openai
  • Save Your API Key Securely: A pop-up window will display your new API key. Copy this key to paste it inside the OpenAI settings field in CSV Importer.
save your openai key window

Note: You won’t be able to retrieve it later if you close the window.

Import CSV #

Once the OpenAI API key settings are configured, proceed with importing your data.

1. In the Ultimate CSV Importer plugin Dashboard, navigate to the Import section and upload your CSV file.

2. Select the type of post you want to import, such as post, page, Woocommerce products, or other custom post type.

3. Click the continue button to enter the mapping section, where you can map the fields.

4. The “Auto-generate post content” feature will be visible in the mapping section, represented by the ChatGPT Icon. You can see it beside these three fields: post_content, post_excerpt, and featured_image.

5. Choose the ‘Header Manipulation’ option from the dropdown menu and click the ChatGPT icon for the field.

configure chatgpt option for post content

6. Choose your Prompt Column (eg: post_title), and specify the desired word count for the content.

7. For the Featured Image, select the relevant Prompt section(That is a field specified in your CSV. This field contains prompts for generating images).

configure chatgpt option for featured image

After configuring the settings, click the continue button to proceed to the next steps and import. 

The descriptions and images will be automatically generated for the imported post type. Refer to our documentation, for more information about importing the data.

New Release Unveiled:

WP Ultimate CSV Importer v8.1