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Importing Pods Custom Posts Data Into WordPress

pods custom post import

WordPress is legendary among other CMS with many commercial & blogging websites built on it. Content Management is more powerful because it allows extending functionality in all dimensions. With Custom Post Types, you can create a different format of content than usual Posts and Pages. Creating Custom Post Types lets you extend your blogging platform into a fully-fledged CMS.

WP Ultimate CSV Importer is the plugin that you can use to import your Pods Custom Posts data into WordPress. It imports values in the format of CSV into WordPress. Import all your custom post data into WordPress using WP Ultimate CSV Importer. In the upcoming, we will discuss how to import and export Pods data into WordPress with WP Ultimate CSV Importer.


Before that, let’s see about Pods. Pods is one of the third-party custom post creation plugins in WordPress. It is a framework used to create and maintain any type of custom post as the user needs. In addition to that, you can create a custom post, page, or taxonomy by clicking on ‘Add New’ in the post admin dashboard. To create custom fields , click on ‘Manage fields→ Labels’.

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Types of field formats in PODS

Text and Number Format

Plain text​

You can add single-line text or words in this field type
Eg: WP Ultimate CSV file

Plain Paragraph

Add your paragraph content by using this field type. You can add multiple plain texts.

Eg: Import all your Pods information into your WordPress from any CSV/XML file. Upload your file, Map the CSV fields with the desired WP fields and import your content.


In this field, you can mention the phone number.

Eg: 1234567890


Add any type of text in WYSIWYG Editor field format.

For Example:

WP Ultimate CSV Importer

  • Import/update of any Pods custom field information.
  • Import all your CSV/XML data instantly or schedule it to run at periodic intervals.


Specify the text field with syntax via code mirror.

Date and Time Format

Mention the date and time in the standard format – yyyy/mm/dd hh: mm am

Eg: 2018/10/09 01:50pm


Specify the date in the below format – yyyy/mm/dd.
For Example: 2018/10/09


Mention the time in the standard format – hh:mmam

Eg: 01:50pm

Plain Number

Specify Numeric data in this field

Eg: 123


Mention the currency value.

Eg: 684

Link Format


Provide your email using the standard @ and dot format.

Eg: [email protected]


Provide a website link in this field.
Eg: https://www.smackcoders.com/wordpress.html

Images / Video / Audio / Text

Specify the image or file or video URL of your WordPress Media gallery. For images, you can use a publicly accessible external URL. Use Comma(,) separator to add multiple values.

For example:

https://cdn.smackcoders.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/WordPress_Ultimate_CSV_-XML_Importer_Pro.webp, https://cdn.smackcoders.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/WP-logo-Helpdesk-Integration-logo.webp


Mention the Youtube URL.
For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tdiOjw4EDk

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.

Selection Format

Relationship (Checkbox, Multiselect, Radio button, Autocomplete, ListView)

Specify the desired value. To select multiple value use Comma(,) separator.

Eg: Yellow, Green, Blue

Mention the Youtube URL.
For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tdiOjw4EDk

Yes/ No

Specify the desired value to select. 0 – No,1 – Yes

Color Picker

Mention the color code.
Eg: #ffffff

Pods Custom Post Import in WordPress using WP Ultimate CSV Importer

Initially, to import the Pods Custom Post Types and its meta-data into WordPress, install WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro Plugin and Pods Plugin. Later activate those plugins to create and import data.

CSV Import procedure for Pods:

To import the CSV/XML file, navigate to the ‘Import/Update’ tab on the WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin.

After that, start uploading the CSV/XML file. You can upload the CSV/XML file from 4 locations: Desktop, FTP/SFTP, External URLs, and Server.
After you upload the file, choose the post type from the dropdown.

For Update & Fresh update:

You can update the before-created record by selecting the “Existing items” option. It will redirect you to the page with saved templates that are available for you to choose from. The option to choose the existing templates is only available if you save mapping templates for the same post-type. Else for importing new data, use the ‘New item’ option as the default.

Map the WP fields to the CSV header in the core fields. Map WP fields to the CSV header in the core custom fields. When you’re adding the custom fields in pods, please refer below.

Activate “Pods” add-ons in your WordPress Website . Hit the “Pods” menu in the WP Admin sidebar. There you can tap the “Add New” button.

ultimate csv importer manage pods 2
  • Label – Label represents a caption for an item. And it is used to display in order.
  • Name –Represents the name of the item to be displayed.
  • Type – In the field, Type select the fields related to the name of the item as you need.
  • Storage – Helps to store bulk items.
  • Number of Fields – List of Fields you’ve created in.

Label and Name are the required fields. Without completing them we can’t proceed.

After this, you can get through the “post type” which you’ve created before. Therein you can create a custom post type of your own.

ultimate csv importer pods fields 4

Ways to upload CSV/XML file:

Now move to WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin to import the already created “Pods custom post types”. Upload a CSV/XML file from the respective 4 ways. Then choose the post type.

ultimate csv importer wpimport new or exisiting file 7

Map the CSV header with WP fields. Click the continue button.

wp ultimate csv importer mapping wordpress core fields 8

You’re directed to the “Media Handling” section. Enable “Download external images to your media” . Click on continue and you’ll be navigated to the “Import Configuration” section.

  • You can enable maintenance mode. It notifies your visitors that your website is under maintenance.
  • To detect the duplicates and skip from importing, enable the “Do you want to handle the duplicate on existing records ?” option.
  • If you want to revert the importing to the previous state, use the “Enable safe prostate Rollback (Backup before import)” option.

Click Import to immediately import the content.

Enable the ‘Do you want to Schedule this Import ?’ option in the ‘Import Configuration Section’. Give the details of the scheduled date, schedule time, and schedule frequency. When it reaches a particular time, the CSV file gets imported automatically.

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After importing the CSV file, you can verify the import in the admin view or web view by clicking on the ‘View log’ button.

ultimate csv importer pods data logs 3

The custom fields creation and import are the same as the above-mentioned steps.

Export Pods Custom Post data from WP Ultimate CSV Importer

In the export section, click on the ‘custom post’ option and then choose the custom post name from the drop-down that you have to export.

On the next page, add a title to your export file and select the file format. You can export data with the specific delimiter, author, status based on your needs. Also, split and export the records for large content. You can schedule your export which means that you can select from and to date for your data. Please refer to our documentation for a detailed explanation of data exporting with WP Ultimate CSV Importer.

how to easily import or migrate images export data 1

Wrapping Up

Hope this guide is helpful for you to know how to import and export the CSV files using WP Ultimate CSV Importer. Still, worried about Custom Post Type import using WP Ultimate CSV Importer? Contact our technical support team at [email protected]. Get better assistance from our team quickly.